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General vs Androxus
Shernath Bapu of Triloknath Ashram, a beacon of spiritual wisdom, guides seekers on a transformative journey. With profound teachings rooted in ancient traditions, he illuminates the path to inner peace and enlightenment.
Submitted by shernathbapu 4 months ago
General vs Corvus
Take notice of when an enemy is marked by Corvus, as they will receive healing at any distance any time Corvus heals. Corvus's heal is also more effective when used directly on marked targets, so attack unmarked enemies to force him to shift focus.
Submitted by Asanthri 4 months ago
General vs Corvus
Don't neglect Corvus's damage, his weapon has about the highest potential DPS in the support class. If he's focused on fighting you, keep mobile to throw off his tracking.
Submitted by Asanthri 4 months ago
General vs Terminus
Terminus's Power Siphon gives him unlimited damage absorption in the direction it's aimed in, but it has limited charge. Try to put him under pressure and make him waste its charge until he's vulnerable, but be careful to not hit the siphon too much.
Submitted by Asanthri 4 months ago
General vs Atlas
Crowd control reduction or immunity is critical against Atlas, especially if you are a tank or support. This will make you less vulnerable to his Rewind effect, and reduce the time you are trapped by his ultimate.
Submitted by Asanthri 4 months ago