If Androxus tries to flank and kill you, be careful where you shoot. If he uses Reversal, you can try to shoot behind him and use splash damage to kill him since reversal only takes damage from the front and Androxus can't shoot while in Reversal.
Ash's ultimate ability, Assert Dominance doesn't give her CC immunity at all or Damage immunity until she lands. You can use Void Grip to keep Ash in the air after her leap and let your team kill her before the ult lands.
If Meave isn't using Artful Dodger, and you have Surprise Attack, break hidden with Poison Bolts and do your hit her once from behind. Follow that up by using smoke screen to hide yourself and let the damage encourage Maeve to retreat.
If you have pounce available don't be afraid to engage Talus. Hitting both daggers, pouncing and hiting both daggers again will finish off Talus before he can react.