


PaladinsCounter score
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  • Registered since 6 years
  • Last vote cast 6 years
  • Paladins IGN Not verified yet
  • Activity
  • Votes cast 95
  • Tips submitted 32
  • Highest tip score 6
  • Average tips per day 0.01
General vs Cassie
Careful near edges as cassie can one shot you if she sends you out of the map. knowing this she may chase you there in order to get an easy kill. Try knocking her off instead or leading her to a team member who can if you need to retreat.
Submitted by Toxic-Nightshade 6 years ago
If the enemy Ash doesn't pick up Resilience or the "Battering Ram" Legendary, then you can punish her for it by saving your hyper beam to knock as out of her ult's safety circle. This will often waste her ult or her movement ability.
Submitted by Toxic-Nightshade 6 years ago
General vs Ying
Something you should always do is focus fire. If Ying has the Life Like Legendary Card, this is even more effective as the heal beam loses 30% of its healing ability, but if you spread out the damage, she will have 40% extra overall due to 2 beams.
Submitted by Toxic-Nightshade 6 years ago
General vs Ying
Ying's Ultimate ability, Illusory Rift, heals but can let her use her Dimensional Link to teleport to her team. If Ying uses this right after respawning, look out for her teleporting to her team and kill her to waste the Ultimate.
Submitted by Toxic-Nightshade 6 years ago