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  • Highest tip score 6
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General vs Lex
As one of Lex's opponents, remember that if you kill Lex he will spawn with you as his target. you will also be at a streak of at least one with will give Lex an incentive to get revenge for more credits.
Submitted by Toxic-Nightshade 6 years ago
General vs Skye
Skye's Ultimate can be devastating to your team's collective health. But you can be as close to it as you want as long as you break line of sight. If Skye doesn't put the Ult on the Payload, you can you said payload to block ALL Damage from it.
Submitted by Toxic-Nightshade 6 years ago
You are not CC Immune when you ult. A smart Torvald can use his Hyper Beam to waste your ult. To counter this, consider Picking up Resilience if you can trust your team to help you deal with Torvald and his team.
Submitted by Toxic-Nightshade 6 years ago
Ash becomes Damage Immune but not CC Immune when she uses her ultimate. Your Evil Mojo will make her be unable to knock back/chip at your team, and if she is low HP be unable to be reliably healed as she returns to the HP she had before Evil Mojo
Submitted by Toxic-Nightshade 6 years ago