Never get close to Ruckus. 1. Your damage will be to pitiful to seriously hurt him, and 2. Ruckus's damage will completely shred through Grover like paper, and Blossom will not be effective whatsoever. Moral: stay far from Ruckus.
These two champions both counter each other in different ways. Kinessa can deal killing blows to Skye, while Skye can escape Kinessa's line of sight and easily murder her. When playing as Kinessa, put as much distance from yourself and Skye.
Ruckus easily rips through Androxus, and even if he tries to use Reversal, Ruckus can activate his shields to negate any damage fired back at him, and if Androxus tries to escape, Ruckus can easily jet over to him.
Kinessa's hitscan sniper rifle leaves Drogoz with little escape, where he is in the air or not. 2 well aimed shots can easily kill Drogoz. If Drogoz tries to bombard her with rockets, she can teleport away with Transporter.