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  • Registered since 6 years
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  • Votes cast 48
  • Tips submitted 55
  • Highest tip score 10
  • Average tips per day 0.02
Try to wait until Fernando's shield is down before ulting, as it will block the line of sight of the ult.
Submitted by Asanthri 6 years ago
Treacherous Ground shuts down Maeve's mobility quite handily if you can catch her with it, but be wary of nearby terrain. A smart Maeve can use some bits of map geometry to get above the effect of Warder's Field and become free from the cripple.
Submitted by Asanthri 2 years ago
Unless recently killed, you can usually count on Luna to be somewhere near the fight, and for Io to be standing near her. Use your Shock Pulse on Luna for a free bounce between them. This might not apply if Io is using the Sacrifice talent.
Submitted by Asanthri 2 years ago
General vs Terminus
Terminus's Power Siphon gives him unlimited damage absorption in the direction it's aimed in, but it has limited charge. Try to put him under pressure and make him waste its charge until he's vulnerable, but be careful to not hit the siphon too much.
Submitted by Asanthri 4 months ago