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I'll beat makoa in his face and kick his neck and punish him finall made makoa cake
Submitted by Mahmoudelbehery 7 years ago
Maldamba attacks can't go high. Try to stay airborne as high and long as possible when fighting him.
Submitted by PowerCore24 7 years ago
If RMB, you Reversal. Reversal will reduce Lex to low HP. You should always pick the Dark Stalker card. A good way to counter him Is to just out-damage him. You survive more shots than he.
Submitted by Trapboi 7 years ago
When Evie leaves Ice Block, there's a brief moment where she vulnerable before she can Blink away. Time your Pounce and Daggers to finish Evie off if her HP is low, or for some parting damage if she has the Reprive legendary card.
Submitted by RainEStar 7 years ago
Grover's axes do so much damage at long range, that Grover can potentially have more damage-per-second than Kinessa at a certain point, making him a strong option for dealing with her at a distance.
Submitted by DrYoshiyahu 7 years ago