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He may attempt to use Reversal on your Stickybombs, be smart and don't aim directlly at him. He can still be hit by behind and the sides, a sticky bomb over him can deal significant damage, while he's unable to react.
Submitted by TheJediDoctor 7 years ago
Inner can have a hard time hitting champions far away. Distance and stuns are great allies in this fight.
Submitted by Morar2P 7 years ago
Buck has alot of movement because he can jump very high and far. Try and Cripple him with your RMB
Submitted by jopro2410 7 years ago
Drogoz is a good counter since he flies and inaras projectiles are hard to hit and specially if you have W.Y.R.M Jets.If you are good at aiming then the direct shot damage bonus may even be better.
Submitted by Lightheart 7 years ago
Easy way to kill a fernando is to get behind the enemy and hit him from the back which will force him to turn around leaving him vulnerable to champions that were in front of him before,but you will have to be careful of his allies.
Submitted by Lightheart 7 years ago