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Grab him through reversal, a good player might neatherstep afterwards so be careful to hit that next shot.
Submitted by Fenix 7 years ago
A bad MU. BK will out-burst you most of the time, so make use of the momentum you gain after cancelling a scamper and B-Hop while strafing and shooting. This technique is best utilized in flat, open areas, such as "Garden" In Brightmarsh.
Submitted by ProfessorShyGuy62 5 years ago
Many BK players go close and personal with fernando since they think they can blow him up ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). While that is true, fernando has a weapon that is great for pressure. And a pressured BK will go bonkas. Maybe even blow himself up( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Submitted by Genzõ 5 years ago
Run the Treacherous Ground Talent, and use your Warder's Field to cripple Makoa. He won't be able to use his spin, and this makes him an easy target for your team. If he uses his shield, just stay inside of it and shoot him from the inside.
Submitted by Genavelle 5 years ago
Try to catch Vivian off-guard. Remember that she has no way to escape, so if you catch her before she can lock onto you, you have the head start in damage - and for Moji, that usually means the kill.
Submitted by WildCharger 6 years ago