
Tip overview

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Use Poppy Bomb as a possible escape when fighting Mal'Damba. If he's going Stun'Damba with Wekono's Wrath and you survive the first stun that hits you (if it ever does), get out of there; because more likely than not he's called for backup by now.
Submitted by WildCharger 6 years ago
You are able to wall Rucku's ultimate if you time it well.
Submitted by Proud2bTryhard 7 years ago
General vs Sha Lin
Sha'Lin is a slow champion. Always try to get him by surprise and use the map to your advantage. He can't escape!
Submitted by Stylence 7 years ago
General vs Moji
Use toot as Moji even after it's nerf it is her best talent no mater how you play, due to her massive hit box and limited mobility compared to others of her class she needs the reliable self sustain it provides, and it can help your team in a pinch.
Submitted by jeveasy 5 years ago
Moji is realy strong against u cuz of her high damg. Moving around and stay far enough from her will help u a lot. Her spray attack is close-medium distance. If u know she doesent have her magic barrier, burst her down.
Submitted by the PaladinsCounter Team 3 years ago