Never be the first one to press F in this matchup and keep your distance until he utilizes his. Shoulderbash damages him through his shield. Try not to ult before him and if you do put your shield up immediately in his direction. Godspeed.
Utilize her deployables to your advantage by running Brawl in your loadout. If she is running Treacherous, never use Shoulderbash before she deploys Warder's Field. Focus on killing her healer for an easier matchup.
If you happen to see a makoa and don't have any teammates on you, just back off and poke him if possible. It won't be long till one of your teammates
Joins in. If so. Take him out toghether and try your best not to be in his hook range.
As @mcdude said. Save your reversal untill she had used her pounce. After that try to get as close as possible to get a punch on her. A decent amount of maeve players freak and use pounce to get some cover before going out again. Chase her.