
Tip overview

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General vs Androxus
Andros will typically be using a load out with the card Abyss Walker which basically heals andro whenever he uses nether step this means that Cauterize is good against andro. If you play against a team with andro and a healer caut is a good pick
Submitted by BBNerdPi 7 years ago
General vs Androxus
Andros will typically be using a load out with the card Abyss Walker which basically heals andro whenever he uses nether step this means that Cauterize is good against andro. If you play against a team with andro and a healer caut is a good pick
Submitted by BBNerdPi 7 years ago
General vs Androxus
Andros will typically be using a load out with the card Abyss Walker which basically heals andro whenever he uses nether step this means that Cauterize is good against andro. If you play against a team with andro and a healer caut is a good pick
Submitted by BBNerdPi 7 years ago
General vs Torvald
If you have the luxury to do so, place/channel your shield once Recharge is on cooldown. Otherwise Torvald can simply drain it and repair his own shield in one fell swoop.
Submitted by DefenderHero 7 years ago
When bomb king uses his ulty try to predict and use your ulty right before he explodes. He will get feared when his ulty explodes and he wont be able to stack bombs on stunned targets.
Submitted by demonicware 7 years ago