
Tip overview

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General vs Ash
Ash's Shoulder Bash ends upon hitting a target. Try to block off her most convenient escape path when she reaches low health, trading 800 health for a basically guaranteed kill.
Submitted by warriorman222 6 years ago
If you Hyper Beam a Torvald off the map he won't be able to use his ult to get back
Submitted by SoulOverCaos 6 years ago
General vs Androxus
Unless your Champion's basic attack is hitscan, like Viktor or Tyra, you'll be hard-pressed to hit Androxus while he's airborne. Wait for him to land, if you can.
Submitted by DefenderHero 7 years ago
This matchup is one of the harder ones for Skye. Try to move in after Jenos uses Void Grip. Skye's strength is mobility, and Void Grip takes that strength away from her (Albeit temporarily).
Submitted by main135s 6 years ago
Very easy to get a long range two shot kill. Usually in lower ranks the Kinessa will not react quickly, allowing you to get a second throw on.
Submitted by DimTriii 7 years ago