
Tip overview

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You can re-position yourself out of the AoE of Willo's Seedlings using Rocket Boots, though you may end up sacrificing some Turrets and Barricade in the process.
Submitted by Nerdy-Luigi 6 years ago
If you have Chain Reaction legendary, place some Sticky Bombs around Evie in Ice Block and time your detonation right, so you can punish her for staying in it for too long.
Submitted by TheMikirog 7 years ago
when drogoz ults, use your ult just before getting hit by it. it will counter it.
Submitted by PiRO 6 years ago
General vs Barik
Nearly every Barik out there has a healing card in their loadout. It provides him a heavy sustain. Cauterize is an all around counter that also works against him very well in that aspect, even without a healer on enemy team!
Submitted by RinTheHateful 6 years ago
General vs Ash
Ash's ult is powerfull and easy to counter(all cc abilities) but you also can make her not even use it, like hook with makoa , torvalds ult , Jennos grip, Shalin's and Cassie's rmb arrow can block her 'Ult jump' or move her ult to other place
Submitted by Aladine11 6 years ago