Ash's Shoulder Bash ends upon hitting a target. Try to block off her most convenient escape path when she reaches low health, trading 800 health for a basically guaranteed kill.
Lian, contrary to most damage dealers, is food for most tanks. An aggressive tank like Fernando or Ash essentially have her on a guaranteed death timer the moment they press F, and defensive tanks like Barik and Ruckus outdps and destroy her.
Lian can deal massive damage with either lessened or zero need for aim. Her ability to spread damage is massive giving her inflated damage and credit scores, but her DPS is awful. If you are a damage dealer, you'll have to make the tank end her life.
While Androxus is channeling Reversal, take the time to reload your weapon, switch targets for a moment, or escape if needed, as it's detrimental to you to attack him during this time.