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Two Sticky Bombs will down an Evie, hit your shots. If you anticipate being rushed put down a Grumpy Bomb. If you need to disengage use Poppy Bomb, then you need to finish the job before it finishes you.
Submitted by Garthean 6 years ago
General vs Willo
As a support, be wary of Dead Zone! Do not stand inside it unless it's unavoidable and do not attempt to use healing abilities on allies affected by it until they've been cleansed. Remember that the effect lasts for 2 seconds after exiting.
Submitted by Kraanox 6 years ago
General vs Lian
If you're a non-tank that isnt capable of much self- healing do not try to 1v1 lian at mid to short range as she is capable of bursting you down. Instead, use an element of suprise and go behind her when she is distracted.
Submitted by Brionne 5 years ago
General vs Inara
Inara's weapon is accurate and the projectiles are fast but it fires its burst slowly and has very noticeable falloff at mid range. Erratic movement and keeping your distance will reduce her output effectively.
Submitted by Kraanox 7 years ago
the big danger is when you are hooked but you can often turn into an iceblock before makoa gets a hit in^^
Submitted by MrTyorel 7 years ago