
Tip overview

Tips for Ying - How to play best against him in general



General vs Ying
Something most people don't realise is that Ying can do a lot of Damage Output. Which results in people running right in to kill her and then end up dying.Try to keep distance and kill her clones to decrease escape and healing options, then go in.
Submitted by Lightheart 7 years ago
General vs Ying
At high skill levels Ying will use her illusions as shields. Get at a higher ground than her and she will be less effective using them to hide.
Submitted by MastaOfDisquise 7 years ago
General vs Ying
If you can see and kill Ying, Prioritize her over her Illusions. Killing Ying makes her Illusions despawn and prevents her from Healing/Shattering. If you can't see Ying and have no/low cauterize killing Illusions might stop healing from her.
Submitted by Toxic-Nightshade 7 years ago
General vs Ying
When using Ying if you face a group of opponent, your heals becomes a bit less valuable, try to chain the illusion explosion spaw to keep up group damage and a bit of heal, also stay at distance but beware flankers as they can easily take you out
Submitted by ploop 7 years ago
General vs Ying
Ying is able to teleport to her allies during her ult, so when she does try to kill her on sight. She can still have her ult going after she dies, but it can make it harder for the enemy to be healed. Also, remember she can teleport multiple times!
Submitted by r1v3rl1ght 5 years ago