

44.12% - 30 Votes
55.88% - 38 Votes

Tips for Barik vs Zhin

Avoid relying on your turrets as a "Retaliation" Zhin has the ability to use your Turrets to get free Health from his "Perfect Block" card and can use Counter's Damage to kill you quickly. Consider picking up "Tinkerin" so you can fight, not feed.
Submitted by Toxic-Nightshade 7 years ago

Tips for Zhin vs Barik

Barik's ult (Dome Shield) triggers Zhin's counter. Pick up Retaliation legendary card, go inside of his ult and surprise him with your counter swings!
Submitted by natura2000 7 years ago
When you are in your counter stance, Bariks turrets trigger your counter attack fairly fast because they won't stop attacking you
Submitted by manniL 7 years ago