Inara's wall is tall enough to block Pip's Weightless, but being near a wall with a floor(Ledge, side of stairs) boosts jump height so that he can get over it. If there's a ceiling, however...
Ash's Shoulder Bash ends upon hitting a target. Try to block off her most convenient escape path when she reaches low health, trading 800 health for a basically guaranteed kill.
Makoa's shots will halven in damage before beginning to fall off at 65 units. Memorize this distance and stay out of it to render him ineffective at damaging.
This is a hard matchup, but try and focus on the Androxus's floating while he is airborne. Shoot where you think he will float to, because he is very slow in the air and cannot dodge it without Nether Step. If all else fails, detonate Fire Spit.