Pay attention for his "Poppy Bomb" usage. If you see BK landing with low or even half HP - try to pressure him. BK can't use his escape for next 6-8 second, that would be enough time to kill him.
Sticky Bombs removed from champion, if he\she uses movement skill.
Inara doesn't have any movement skills. So use "Chain reaction" legendary versus Inara.
With good aim you can kill her with 3-5 Sticky Bombs.
With good game sense & map awareness you can counter Androxus Ult. Use your ultimate directly on him (if possible) or walls near him. Hitting terrain will trigger AoE Stun and interrupt his ult. Good aim required.
Encountering Grover in long range spaces - don't PEEK around the corner.
Good Grover players throw axes preemptively and you can take a lot of damage. Use short sprints between cover. This way it's harder to predict where to aim.