Don't engage enemy tank, if Mal'damba is near him. While you fighting frontliner Mal'damba have time to aim his Cobra Toss.
Attack Mal'damba if he separated from his teammates. It is difficult to aim "Cobra Toss" while under pressure.
Push her clones away from point to minimize healing. Push her clones from map edges - guess what happens if she uses her "Dimension link" teleport. Usually Ying jumping between clones to confuse enemies, not paying attention to location of the clone
If "DD" on your team too busy for destroying Grohk’s totem. Consider buying Bulldozer
With Rank 1 you can one-shot his default totem(900HP)
If he is using "Monolith Totem"(HPbuff), you must buy rank 2 in order to one-shot his totem.
Run through "Siege Shield" to deny Ash’s zoning. When shield is behind you, its no longer useful for Ash & her team. Be careful and don't do that trick on low health - Ash might burst you down.