Evie really isn’t supposed to engage with the other Flanks. But in some situations you may have to. You are most likely to win a 1v1 with Maeve by using Evie’s Sbowglobe talent. Maeve at full health will best you at close range.
You must be unpredictable; and accurate with ice staff. You need to always be doing something with her. Looking around for enemies and just be a complete nuisance.She takes time, practice, and patience to play her well. High skill, High reward!
Evie’s kryptonite. She’s a pain to deal with as an Evie main. You’ll have to catch her off-guard while she’s focus on one of your teammates, but when she’s uses grace...run away or/and reposition yourself because you have her attention now.
Victor can easily waste Evie in mere nano-seconds. Never engage Victor head on, try to get first shot on Victor (above or from behind) before he sees you. Expect him to hustle, immediately, after taking damage.