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  • Votes cast 41
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When she uses Ice Block, toss Sticky Bombs at the ground around her. Detonate as soon as she lets the block down for huge damage, especially with Chain Reaction. If she uses Wormhole, toss bombs at where she originally was to punish any return warps.
Submitted by ObamaExperience 4 years ago
General vs Moji
Moji can take you down very quickly, with large burst. Don't shoot her shield and stay aware of her location, because she can melt you like that if she can sneak up on you.
Submitted by ObamaExperience 4 years ago
Use Warder's Field to slow Koga, leaving him vulnerable. If you picked Treacherous Ground, he likely won't be able to escape it. Earthen Guard makes his damage pitiful. If he tries to ult you, use Impasse below yourself to stay above the radius.
Submitted by ObamaExperience 4 years ago
Use your Power Siphon to absorb his shots, and get behind a wall to recharge it. If you're running Decimation, you can shred half of his health down at max charge for your flanks/damages to finish him off, or at least force him to retreat and heal.
Submitted by ObamaExperience 4 years ago