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(For Treacherous Ground vs Firing Line). When you want to Ulti, try dropping Warder's Field first, to try and bait Khan into using his Shout. Once he's used it, wait 4-5 seconds, and then Ulti once the CC immunity has worn off.
Submitted by Genavelle 5 years ago
If you use Agony, stun Torvald whenever he's preparing/starting his Ultimate. He is not CC-immune during his ulti, and stunning him will stop his Ult and can save your teammates from being thrown off the map.
Submitted by Genavelle 5 years ago
Makoas LOVE to flank healers, and he can deal a lot of damage to you. Your best bet is to use Agony, and stun him whenever he comes after you. This will give you a good chance to run away or ask for help from your teammates.
Submitted by Genavelle 5 years ago
If Inara begins flanking you, the Agony Stuns work wonders for escaping. You cannot Shadow Walk in TG Warder's Field, so simply Stun Inara and you'll have time to walk out of the field, and then you can Shadow Walk to escape.
Submitted by Genavelle 5 years ago