
Tip overview

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General vs Tyra
Tyra's Fire bomb is unaffected by Heaven or Blast shields. Be sure to avoid it at all costs unless absolutely necessary; Some healers such as Ying or Mal'Damba can prolong a frontlines' life in unavoidable situations.
Submitted by Guilion 7 years ago
Who is the best for you ? ‘-‘
Submitted by WhiteSystem 6 years ago
When drogoz is flying towards you to kill you, throw the anchor at him and it will counter his ult.
Submitted by Mazaris 7 years ago
The best way to deal with a Zhin trying to kill you is to play your deck with full life steal and use Jenos Luminary Legendary Card, this will get you a lot more of damage to make him use his billow and counter early, and you'll win 4/5 times
Submitted by rockindaroomjj 7 years ago
General vs Lex
Just practise strafing and pray to god that he has bad aim.
Submitted by WoWGuyXX 7 years ago