Lex has more health than you. He has more damage and shoots faster than you. He has more combat-ready mobility to chase you down. His ult is suitable for duels. To beat a Lex shows how much more skilled than him you are. Good luck.
Pick up wrecker and stay out of Torvald's range. If you get close to him, he will runic blast and burst you down before you can dash or reversal. Stay out of his range and burst him down.
When you are outside of stealth detection range but within the Retribution range, the insignia will still appear above Skye even though she is invisible. Shoot below it for expected results.
When Fernando activate his Ultimate to counter yours, try to aim for his teammates that is not in the Immortal radius. This way you wouldn't waste your Ultimate.
If your Max HP is 2000 or less, a single shot from Lex will put you within execute range. With a headshot this goes up to 3000HP, and With Death Hastens these numbers become 2800 and 4200 respecticely.