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Agony is great against Terminus. He deals a lot of damage to your tanks, and it can be hard for some tanks to escape him. Stunning him gives your frontlines a chance to get away, and makes him vulnerable. Stunning him can also cancel his Siphon.
Submitted by Genavelle 5 years ago
Sha Lin's ultimate can make him hard to track, but throwing down a Sensor Drone near where he was last seen will reveal him for your team and partially negate his ult.
Submitted by Asanthri 2 years ago
Strix's stealth can make him harder to track, so toss your Sensor Drones out where you expect him to be and reveal him to your team. If you run the Booby Trap talent, the explosion of your drones can disrupt his aim or throw him off of high ground.
Submitted by Asanthri 2 years ago
Pounce bypasses Reversal. 'Nuff said.
Submitted by encrypted_ki 6 years ago
General vs Grohk
Grohk relies on totem healing to keep himself alive (most of the time). Cauterize should be first priority.
Submitted by encrypted_ki 6 years ago