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Your stasis field eats his damage, and when Tiberius leaps at you, you can simply rewind him back.
Submitted by ConcernedCitizen 4 years ago
Your sustain means nothing when Willo uses deadzone on you, your best bet would be to approach her when you have darkness to out damage her in the short run, in the long run of a fight Willo will almost always win
Submitted by SergeantStars 2 years ago
As a massive hitbox without any shields or walls, Yagorath is an easy target. You can shoot her from a distance for essentially free ult charge.
Submitted by Asanthri 2 years ago
Try to keep track of Androxus ult, particularly when your ult is either ready or active, as Andro can burst all his ult shots on you to kill you and/or destroy your drones.
Submitted by Asanthri 2 years ago
Don't fight Maeve if she doesn't have low health! Position yourself to the high ground on the back so that she'll need to use her movement abilities to get to you. If she does, group up with your tank or teammates and "spam" VBE to get assistance
Submitted by SoulOverCaos 6 years ago