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The legendary damage for your attack is a good choice as the frontlines are for most slow moving and thus you can deal insane damage while counter their damage with you illusions (you can also use them to disrupt the beam of torvald)
Submitted by ploop 7 years ago
Viktor has a hitscan weapon, meaning the bullets will immediately hit Drogoz, so he effectively counters Drogoz.
Submitted by CounterFite318 6 years ago
Set out Luna, and mark Maeve so Luna can rush and stun her. Even with the stun gone, keep her marked because Luna can still deal auto-aim attacks to Maeve. Though once your fox is dead, run away. LUNA counters Maeve, not you.
Submitted by ConcernedCitizen 4 years ago
Skye has the highest DPS in the game when at close quarters. Sometimes it's better to turn around and block her shots with your shield or Charge away. Judge from where the most damage is coming from.
Submitted by TheMikirog 7 years ago
Inara's wall can block Viktor's line of sight, witch may force Viktor to disable his ultimate.
Submitted by matheusuu 7 years ago