
Tip overview

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When facing torvald use your turrets as decoy and get out of range of his beam, try to bring him to your damage dealer and keep spawning turrets to heals and disrupt his attack
Submitted by ploop 7 years ago
General vs Inara
Inara's Impasse has very high health and can be annoying to take down, especially without Bulldozer. If the enemy Inara happens to use it near the payload, remember that if the payload touches it it will instantly be destroyed.
Submitted by Kraanox 7 years ago
General vs Grover
Encountering Grover in long range open spaces - don't PEEK around the corner. Good Grover players throw axes preemptively and you can take a lot of damage. Use short sprints between cover. This way it's harder to predict where to aim.
Submitted by Vortexabyss 7 years ago
General vs Androxus
Encountering Grover in long range spaces - don't PEEK around the corner. Good Grover players throw axes preemptively and you can take a lot of damage. Use short sprints between cover. This way it's harder to predict where to aim.
Submitted by Vortexabyss 7 years ago
General vs Skye
Skye is extremely squisy. Try to stay as sneaky as you can. Also avoid AOE champions as much as you can because they can still hit you even if they are not aiming at you.
Submitted by PowerCore24 7 years ago