
Tip overview

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Victor can easily waste Evie in mere nano-seconds. Never engage Victor head on, try to get first shot on Victor (above or from behind) before he sees you. Expect him to hustle, immediately, after taking damage.
Submitted by Sir_MagnusBane 5 years ago
General vs Pip
Unlike certain champions, Pip's damage is the same from wherever you fire from or where you hit. Remember to keep distance and practice getting used to the arc of his attacks.
Submitted by AbrahamThinkingOfAName 6 years ago
Maeve can down you in just a few knives. Get Haven and Life Rip for sustain, and save In Pursuit for securing the kill. Discovery will be the best choice to keep her in check, making sure she doesn't flank from behind and poke the backlines.
Submitted by encrypted_ki 6 years ago
Battering Ram. Engage with shoulderbash or wait until her Q is down to slap her with it. Poor mobility means you can knock her into corners to finish her off. *Do not ult before her or in her presence.*
Submitted by RyevAlki 4 years ago
You have much more mobility in your kit, which you can use to stay safe. Also pay attention to other enemies in the surrounding area. If you can eliminate them, you can gather up your teammates and make the rest history.
Submitted by StandingWater 4 years ago