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Makoa's Dredge anchor will ignore Reversal entirely so you cannot rely on it. You can, however, hide behind walls and geometry and peek to perform one shot at a time, forcing Makoa to eventually retreat due to poke damage.
Submitted by warriorman222 7 years ago
General vs Vivian
Buy wrecker, and u will destroy that shield she is very weak without it
Submitted by ali_iii 5 years ago
General vs Jenos
Jenos can 1v1 weaker enemies very well, he can pump out some decent damage and then use his Void Grip to allow his teammates to gank you. If you are able to, try to continually shoulder peak him so that he can't Void Grip you, or take a teammate.
Submitted by ihavedaddyissues 6 years ago
General vs Ruckus
Mobility is the key here! Staying in his minigun fire for ages makes you getting killed fast
Submitted by the PaladinsCounter Team 7 years ago
If your Sticky Bomb is stuck on Seris and she uses Shadow Travel, the Sticky Bomb stuck on her will still be visible. You can track her down that way, but you won't be able to attack, unless you decide to detonate your "tracking device".
Submitted by TheMikirog 7 years ago