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When you find any illusions, simply destroy them with Defiance. This makes tracking down the real Ying and killing her much easier, as she will have no escape options, and no healing source.
Submitted by CounterFite318 6 years ago
General vs Androxus
It's highly probable that Androxus will Refersal and then Nether Step away from combat when in danger. After that, he's mostly a sitting duck, because you probably still have your movement abilities and he doesn't.
Submitted by TheMikirog 6 years ago
General vs Ying
When using Ying if you face a group of opponent, your heals becomes a bit less valuable, try to chain the illusion explosion spaw to keep up group damage and a bit of heal, also stay at distance but beware flankers as they can easily take you out
Submitted by ploop 7 years ago
General vs Kinessa
Watch how the enemy kinessa plays, where does she position? Go for flank routes she won't be expecting. Watch out for her mines, getting hit by one can blow your cover and always try to get the first hit on her, get cauterize and study their loadouts
Submitted by ITSMEEBICH 6 years ago
Nullify, nullify, nullify. Bait Maeve into the open, then hit her with the good ol' Nullify beam. More often than not, her Nine Lives will still be on cooldown, and someone else is gonna be there to kill her.
Submitted by WildCharger 6 years ago