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Buck may try to stomp on you and scare you with his high health pool and regen. Just remember that Buck has a pitiful damage output, start on him early. If you are at or below 700 health, use an escape to regenerate. A clever Buck is deadly.
Submitted by Garthean 6 years ago
If you were to 1v1 Mal'Damba and Terminus you could simply stun Terminus and do some damage and repeat this process till he is dead
Submitted by BlazeRunner122 6 years ago
Maeve is probably the safest pick against Raum, cause its hard for him to hit you. He also has high damage-falloff, you don't, so you can use that to your advantage and keep your distance.
Submitted by Floreee 3 years ago
General vs Mal'Damba
STUN STUN STUN... when with allies stunning anyone without a shield (excluding portable shield like tarvold's) can be your priority to help your teammates clear the point
Submitted by MRBlooper 7 years ago
When u're using nether step and get under beam, nether step will go into cooldown. (If u used only 1 or 2 dashes, it still goes into cooldown)
Submitted by Wexire 5 years ago