
Tip overview

Tips for Torvald - How to play best against him in general



General vs Torvald
Torvald's Nullify ability relies on Line of Sight. Breaking Line of Sight with Torvald will cancel the Ability early and make him wait for the cooldown.
Submitted by Toxic-Nightshade 6 years ago
General vs Torvald
Any sort of Rush ability like Nando's charge, Zhin's Whirl, Andro's Nether Step, Buck's Leap and so on can counter any small knockback like Ash's or Cassie's. But if it's torvald's ult, You probably need resilience 3
Submitted by DoomSnake 6 years ago
General vs Torvald
Take Torvald out from a distance. Torvald's abilities are all limited to close range. Not only that, he has no mobility skills.
Submitted by MasterJAD 6 years ago
General vs Torvald
If you have the luxury to do so, place/channel your shield once Recharge is on cooldown. Otherwise Torvald can simply drain it and repair his own shield in one fell swoop.
Submitted by DefenderHero 7 years ago
General vs Torvald
Damage resistances do not apply to Torvald's shield, so Haven and Blast Shields aren't as good as a pick for him.
Submitted by AsteroidCat 7 years ago