
Tip overview

Tips for Torvald - How to play best against him in general



General vs Torvald
Due to a lack of movement options, it is easy to corner a Torvald if they were pushed off the point (e.g Khan's grab, Poppy Bomb etc).
Submitted by CyberGamer64 5 years ago
General vs Torvald
As of this moment torvold is far away from the meta and needs to be buffed but that can’t happen without him going back to where he was. Wait until power creep and he will be revived.
Submitted by LtsRuwi 3 years ago
General vs Torvald
Damage resistances do not apply to Torvald's shield, so Haven and Blast Shields aren't as good as a pick for him.
Submitted by AsteroidCat 7 years ago
General vs Torvald
Take Torvald out from a distance. Torvald's abilities are all limited to close range. Not only that, he has no mobility skills.
Submitted by MasterJAD 6 years ago
General vs Torvald
Use "Wrecker" when he actives the shield to deal more damage
Submitted by Fs_lonerin 6 years ago