
Tip overview

Tips for Maeve - How to play best against him in general



General vs Maeve
While Maeve is best at flying around an open map, a closed environment doesn't hinder her performance. Use Prowl to speed around corners, and jump INTO corners to confuse the enemy.
Submitted by proactiveperson 6 years ago
General vs Maeve
Maeve can double jump, but newer players don't realize you can jump a third time after pounce. Experienced players use this to stay in the air for long periods of time (Rouges Gambit: jump, pounce/jump, 9 Lives, pounce/jump) use stun/cripple for this
Submitted by r1v3rl1ght 4 years ago
General vs Maeve
Lead your shots. If you have a projectile, never shoot at her; even in close range you must shoot ahead of her. If you have a hitscan, wait until you have her in your crosshairs to shoot.
Submitted by warriorman222 7 years ago
General vs Maeve
While Maeve is very difficult to pin down exactly, champs like Drogoz or Evie don't necessarily have to aim precisely in order to hit her. Additionally, abilities like Seedling are extremely hazardous to Maeve, because they have a very large AoE.
Submitted by CounterFite318 6 years ago
General vs Maeve
Maeve has a particularly harder time than most champions with aiming, as her weapons have drastic gravity drop, and have projectile speed, which means moving around unpredictably will make yourself harder to kill.
Submitted by CounterFite318 6 years ago