
Tip overview

Tips for Furia - How to play best against him in general



General vs Furia
Exterminate can be really mean if furia has the stun duration boosted almost killing non frontline champions with the damage dealt during the stun alone. getting Resilience will shorten this stun Giving you the chance to excape.
Submitted by Saerkron 6 years ago
General vs Furia
Furia is a high damage healer mostly for her pyre strike. this can seal kills and stop flankers in their tracks but it takes a long time to spawn just attacking her can bait her to use it and juke her out and seal the kill.
Submitted by Saerkron 6 years ago
General vs Furia
A General tip is whenever she pops her ult and decides to have lifesteal on, counter her by popping cauterize on her, using a seris ult, even decent Androxus players and Maeve players can take her out, if they run a good build
Submitted by Anonymous 6 years ago
General vs Furia
Furia is mainly backline high damage supporter that should be used more to defend oneself. She shouldn't be atacked directly because of damage and beams. The best way to counter her is force her to waste all skills, or atack from distance.
Submitted by Vfawek 4 years ago
General vs Furia
Fuiria's solar blessing stops on allies this means that you want to make sure your not too close because it still does damage avoid the beam and focus cauterize on the target or kill furis to keep her from using it again.
Submitted by Saerkron 6 years ago