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General vs Willo
If Willo uses her skills wisely, you won't be able to beat her up close. At first you should find higher one than her position that you can suprise and chase her out of. Willo is not very good at dealing with flying or high mobility enemies.
Submitted by Vfawek 4 years ago
General vs Io
Io looks not dangerous but damage she and Luna deal is high. If you want to take her down, catch her staying far from Luna. If Io is smart and uses Luna for own protection summon your ally to take them two down. You can also buy resilience for Luna.
Submitted by Vfawek 4 years ago
General vs Atlas
Atlas is high damage tank very dangerous on solo fight. He can undo all dmg he has dealt for quite a while. He also can cancel all healing (self and from others) you've gained. To counter him you should always be with an ally to put pressure on him.
Submitted by Vfawek 4 years ago
You shouldn't meet each other in this matchup but if it happens, as long as Furia uses her abilities carefully and reasonably Seris is no danger for you. Their heal is on very similar level and Seris' dmg is worse even if she uses soul collector.
Submitted by Vfawek 4 years ago