
Tip overview

Tips for Atlas - How to play best against him in general



General vs Atlas
When playing healer in high rank games, try to hide behind cover immediately when Atlas ults, as smart players will banish the enemy healer, sometimes twice for 8s without healing your team!
Submitted by TheGodzlayerXx 4 years ago
General vs Atlas
When going against Atlas, hard cc (Silence, Cripple) shut him down, as he relies on his abilities rather than his primary
Submitted by TheGodzlayerXx 4 years ago
General vs Atlas
Atlas is high damage tank very dangerous on solo fight. He can undo all dmg he has dealt for quite a while. He also can cancel all healing (self and from others) you've gained. To counter him you should always be with an ally to put pressure on him.
Submitted by Vfawek 4 years ago
General vs Atlas
If he has his shield larger with his talent, try to stay on the side they are on without them knowing. This makes it easy to hit them because his shield only stops attacks from the front. (if you are a tank, keep pushing them back past it to hit 'em)
Submitted by r1v3rl1ght 5 years ago
General vs Atlas
Watch out for his ability to leave behind an explosive fissure, and stay away from it! This would result in him getting healed and you taking severe damage. Make sure to track him too, so as soon as he is physical you can attack and kill him.
Submitted by r1v3rl1ght 5 years ago