

26.56% - 17 Votes
73.44% - 47 Votes

Tips for Raum vs Bomb King

easy thing, just go blast shield, resilence, go damage reduction after using soul harvest and ignition, enforcer, when he uses his grumpy, you have to stop shootin to gain movement speed, if you have loww health, use igniton, soul harvest N' enforcer
Submitted by MegaKun5896 4 years ago

Tips for Bomb King vs Raum

easy thing, go chain reaction, wrecker, stick at least 3 bombs per detonation, go Royal Decret 4 or 5, use your grumpy while he's shooting, while he activates Juggernaut, he shouldn't be able to escape, if you can stick more than 3 bombs, better.
Submitted by MegaKun5896 4 years ago