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If Barik is hugging his Turrets, use fire bomb. The turrets cannot be moved once deployed, so he will likely abandon them if fire bomb lands on or near them.
Submitted by Ironmonger42 7 years ago
General vs Lex
In Pursuit checks who is closest with each shot. If you manage to fight him in a 2v1, alternate who is closer or have the person with the highest health stay in front to protect the person in back.
Submitted by Ironmonger42 7 years ago
If Maeve's Pounce is on cooldown, Dredge Anchor can be a death sentence for Maeve.
Submitted by Ironmonger42 7 years ago
In Pursuit is highly effective against her. One or two shots are all it takes to let In Pursuit finish her off. Side note: She might heal while you are using In Pursuit should she have Artful Dodger, Patch Up, and/or Savagery.
Submitted by Ironmonger42 7 years ago