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Use your anchor to cancel Torvald's recharge, forcing him to go cooldown
Submitted by DesignsNexT 7 years ago
General vs Mal'Damba
You can detonate his ultimate (earlier) by pushing the F key (or whatever you bound Mal'Dambas ultimate to) again!
Submitted by manniL 6 years ago
Save your explosive flask for Skye. It will slow her down to allow for more precise follow-up hits and will reveal her if you have the "Catalyst" legendary selected.
Submitted by Tinkernick 7 years ago
When you face lex, try to stay at range as you can deal morde damage to him from range, if you're a skilled player and keep rolling, you may have the upper hand on him, also knock him back prenvents him from escaping and impact his aim.
Submitted by ploop 7 years ago
General vs Tiberius
Tiberius can be damage immune during the whirling blade part of his ult. Use someone like Io or Ash, people who can cc him off the map. He can't use another move until he lands in his whirling blade stance, so he'll fall to his death.
Submitted by ConcernedCitizen 4 years ago