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General vs Androxus
Andros will typically be using a load out with the card Abyss Walker which basically heals andro whenever he uses nether step this means that Cauterize is good against andro. If you play against a team with andro and a healer caut is a good pick
Submitted by BBNerdPi 7 years ago
General vs Pip
General heal Pip tip: When using cimbat medic, use cards which make your explosive flask have a lower cooldown and generare ammo so you don't have to reload to heal. If you are not sure, buy deft hands as well (Personally i like cautertise on Pip).
Submitted by eerie_shroom 5 years ago
Grohk is easy to kill with vora due to her high burst and his lack of mobility/escape. However his escape doesn’t cleanse your bleed.
Submitted by LtsRuwi 3 years ago
When Evie is in ice block, throw your sticky bombs on the ground next to her. As she comes out of the ice block detonate your bombs to kill her.
Submitted by Freddy2424 6 years ago
General vs Moji
Use toot as Moji even after it's nerf it is her best talent no mater how you play, due to her massive hit box and limited mobility compared to others of her class she needs the reliable self sustain it provides, and it can help your team in a pinch.
Submitted by jeveasy 5 years ago