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What I meant to say was this matchup is even. Compare the fire rates on their weapons. Evie wins only if she catches Victor off guard and lands the first shot. Victor is guaranteed to make Evie waste Ice Block. Just keep shooting at her.
Submitted by YoungPablo_ 6 years ago
Sha Lin is at heart a sniper. Eye him from a distance and try to come closer without him noticing. Then, jump at him with poppy bomb while firing sticky bombs. If you get the jump on him you will kill him.
Submitted by Merovingian 6 years ago
This is primarily true if Barik uses the Tinkerin Legendary Card, as he will have the ability to shoot distant targets.
Submitted by Ironmonger42 7 years ago
I know this one's a bit vague, but it really comes down to your playstyle; skilled Androxus players rely on split-second timing. Try and use this to your advantage; usage of specific parts of your kit at the right times can help you a ton.
Submitted by WildCharger 6 years ago
a hs can take her down, but try to find some cover, if she get closer, turn around a building and wait for her, considering she already used her tp to engage, if she do not engage, she will do a tp to get you off guard , look at possible blink place
Submitted by Zefom 2 years ago