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Temporal divide counters drogoz because your shield protects the whole team while you can poke him and setbacks are way easier to hit than with deja vu talent
Submitted by TheGodzlayerXx 3 years ago
you can rewind while drogoz is about to hit you with his ultimate
Submitted by TheGodzlayerXx 3 years ago
Try to wait for Tyra to use her Fire Bomb on somebody else. If she is unprotected use Acceleration to get close to her and kill her. She can hardly do anything against you without her Fire Bomb.
Submitted by Zortok 2 years ago
Using the bubble talent with DR and some life rip can make you tougher to kill , if a flank is next to you he is going to fight you w damage of the bubble , your selfsustain and DR (15% minimum)
Submitted by Zefom 2 years ago
It´s really normal a koga dashing towards you, he dashes and shoot, so take your time to scoup and when the next dash ends you fire ( but you need to see his pattern )
Submitted by Zefom 2 years ago