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General vs Barik
Barik's blunderbuss does good damage, even from range.
Submitted by Cookiedwag34v2 7 years ago
General vs Io
no champ can defeat Io with luna
Submitted by TheShatteredGoddess 5 years ago
Maeve isn't actually strong aginst Maeve ,Inara has the slow deployable which slows in a short radius around her. This doesn't always work because it is stupid to verse a inara all by yourself when your maeve.
Submitted by WoWGuyXX 7 years ago
General vs Vivian
Vivian’s only way to do damage to you is her gun. When the ultimate is up, she’s really dangerous. Her sentinels have AoE, and their size is kinda big, too. Try to focus her sentinels when her ultimate is up, so she isn’t so bursty.
Submitted by QueenaUwU 5 years ago
Inara is your biggest counter. If inara uses her wall, then that means her CC immunity is likely on cooldown. I like to hide behind her wall, charge my seccondary fire, and launch her away from the point the moment the wall comes down.
Submitted by Chris 6 years ago