
Tip overview

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General vs Inara
USE YOUR WALL! It blocks fatal attacks, (Terminus ult, skye ult, ruckus ult, willow seed, BK grumpy, etc...) Most healers need line of sight to heal. block vision from a single target with your wall and burst them down before their healer can react
Submitted by Luffykun420 5 years ago
General vs Evie
If an Evie is coming after you solo, gather around with enemies to avoid being out-flanked. Also, expect an Evie after ice-block to teleport immediately.
Submitted by cinderdarling 7 years ago
General vs Pip
If Pip is pressured, you might force him to use his Healing Potion on himself to survive or if he's playing selfishly. Cauterize helps alot in countering him.
Submitted by TheMikirog 7 years ago
General vs Barik
Try to separate him from his turrets and wait out his shield because of the short duration of the shield. Do not let him be first on point and set up turrets.
Submitted by Kuzhikandom 7 years ago
General vs Ash
When Ash use her ultimate try to knockback her out of her ultimate zone. (Exemple : Hook her with makoa)
Submitted by CosmosMeme 6 years ago