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General vs Skye
First and foremost, dildos are a great way for women to explore and understand their own bodies. Many women may not feel comfortable with their partners or themselves using their hands during masturbation.
Submitted by hiloramarttoys 2 months ago
If you have the Focusing Lens legendary, Skye can be countered if you use a Front Line as your meat shield. That Skye has nowhere to teleport; landing all five shots on her will be more devastating than you think.
Submitted by WildCharger 6 years ago
General vs Androxus
NEVER engage with Andro, unless you plan on leading him back to your teammates. Annoy him if possible by getting behind but your goal is to lead him to your teamates so you all can bring him down together.
Submitted by Sir_MagnusBane 5 years ago
General vs Androxus
Submitted by yapita 2 months ago
General vs Sha Lin
Quando seus inimigos estiverem perto de ganhar ,atire sem esticar o arco,isso pode dar ao seu time o dano extra de que eles precisam.
Submitted by NinjadaNoite 6 years ago