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If you have the Focusing Lens legendary, Skye can be countered if you use a Front Line as your meat shield. That Skye has nowhere to teleport; landing all five shots on her will be more devastating than you think.
Submitted by WildCharger 6 years ago
Kinessa's reload is fairly long, letting Maeve pitch damage in for free while you're reloading. If she's the only flank around and your team has other offense items covered, you could grab Deft Hands to help out an engagement.
Submitted by AsteroidCat 7 years ago
if you have your ult you can throw the bubble in a area and the ult in other that she might be, the ult will block some vision and will make her screen shake a little, but do not enter on a long range fight, close to a mid distance to have advantage
Submitted by Zefom 2 years ago
Slugshot. Drogoz can be easily shot down with 6 shots unless he's running Apex Predator 5.
Submitted by RyevAlki 4 years ago
General vs Androxus
Submitted by yapita 3 months ago